Category Archives: Dignity

My two cents…

I normally don’t write about political woes, its not really my thing!  However  I am appalled and embarrassed our Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, a world renowned surgeon, and highly educated individual would refer to slaves as immigrants.  However I enjoyed reading the Twitter responses, after a long day of work!

Truthfully speaking, we are all technically immigrants as this country and land belonged to the Indians…however back on subject…

Slaves did not arrive here looking for a dream.  They were sold to slave ships after they became casualties of war, these folks were not free, they were forced to be here and treated worse than German cockroaches.

Immigrants play a huge role in this economy and ousting everyone we deem as a threat isn’t the answer. There are good and bad in all countries, states, cities, towns, etc.  Immigrants have helped forged many of our successful businesses, and contributed to this economy.  Why?  They came here to pursue prosperity and happiness from war torn countries.

WE as Americans, well most of us, especially millennials don’t understand their struggle to get here, because we haven’t had to endure bombs over our heads at night or bombs being placed in the schools where children are being taught.  Given the options, I would undoubtedly raise my hand to come to America if I lived in those conditions. Hell I am from the country (redneck Hollywood) and cringe at camping or drinking unfiltered tap water.

There will always be evil and long as there is a belief of God or higher power.  I am not saying there shouldn’t be extensive screening and we shouldn’t be more conscientious of who we let it.  I agree with his travel ban revision, but am outraged some of my family, peers, and cohorts, are so closed minded at the thought of someone different entering this country.

WE are imposing the same prejudice that our ancestors fought for, granted they were not terrorist, just plain ol folks wanting to be treated with equality, dignity, and respect. Those principles alone should be the American Standard….